LED Neons & Lightboxes.
Illumination is where it’s at. Your brand in bright lights not only helps make you a standout, but there’s a certain nostalgic authenticity to LED Neons and Custom Lightbox Signs. Like a throwback to the city streets of the 80’s. They say everything comes full circle. The key is to try and be one step ahead.
With promotional real estate in venues as competitive as it’s ever been, investing in illuminated POS can be a tight budget VERY well spent. Or even big budget for that matter. Any budget really. For Value v Effect, it doesn’t get much better for your money. Light gives you the edge, and seeing that what you are ultimately trying to do is to give the vendor or venue owner no choice but to use the brand merchandise you give them, 9 times out of time something light, bright and cool, wins.
This is not just for the drinks or product brands though. LED Neons, Lightboxes or Lit Signs are for the venues themselves who recognise THEIR own brand-building journey.
Our custom-built LED Neons and Lightbox Signs can be used indoors. They can be used outdoors. They can be any colour you want. They can be any size you want. All they need is a wall socket and a place to sit.
Give us the brief, the concept or lean on us to be the creative. All is good.

(No pun. Promise.)
It matters. Of course it does, but when we say that, we mean proportion, not biggest is best. As these are custom-built pretty much to your own spec, it means they’re custom-sized too. You tell us how big or small you need it, and we’ll get to work.
This is where you can get creative. Our LED Neons are made from silicone tube and the perspex backing can be cut to shape, giving you clean lines and fresh signs. The Lightboxes can be custom too. Just tell us what you need.
Being on-brand is the one. We’ll help you to design your illuminated signs so they hit your brand on ahead, so when it comes to hanging in the venue and flipping the switch, the world can’t miss you.