Stealable Merch is a thing.

(And you need to be in on it).

So what is “Stealable Merch”? It’s pretty much what it sounds like. It’s merchandise that represents your brand that’s so good that people are willing to break the law to get their hands on it. Seems pretty strong we know, but competition is as fierce as ever, and spending cash is one careful exercise, so you need to be doing everything you can to maximise your marketing dollar. That’s where understanding your brand, your consumer and harnessing the power of creativity has never been so important.

For a lot of brands, merchandise can be a scary spend - it can be a big cost and often there is no direct payback - at least in monetary terms. So even though we know it’s important, how do we tackle this. The answer is to make it “stealable”.

Think of it this way - you’re making merchandise to create a stronger bond with your audience, which in turn grows not just your brand awareness, but your brand loyalty too. And to make that stick your choices here need to connect on a level that goes way beyond just a product your logo on it. So the concept of “Stealable Merch” is a flip on this. It’s creating product that your consumers love, and they don’t just want to have it, they want to keep it. That in turn goes to product they’ll even want to share, and when you get to that point you’re really onto a winner.

Whether your brand merchandise is to give away or it’s a revenue stream for your business (and both are good by the way) sticking to the principle that people want it so bad they’ll steal it (this is still a figurative phrase by the way - we’re by no means advocating petty crime) is a great marker to suggest you’ve actually maximised your spend and therefore, maximised your efficiency when it comes to the most important thing you do in your business - marketing.

So where do you start with all this? Thats where we come in. Step One - it’s all about planning. Start off by writing down one-worders that best embody your brand and “who you are” as a business. Then add to that “why” you are who you are. You’ll be amazed how often this leads you straight to a great idea that’s not just authentic, but that stands out.

Step Two - pick your product. Remember it has to hit two markers - is it stealable, and most importantly, is it “you”. In this chase don’t forget authenticity which is a standard you need to never miss.

Step Three is the design - and this is where you have to be bravest of all. Aesthetics, quality and impact is everything so if you need to get creative with your branding to get there, do it.

Want some inspiration, look at the Beavertown Psychedelic Skull Glass. They recognised that most brand glasses were boring - which is actually a shocking tactic based on the fact that it’s the glass that spends more valuable time in front of your customers than anything else you do as a drink brand - so they went all out and ended up with an unofficial collectors item so popular that bar staff had to start checking pockets.

So you get the gameplan. It’s about being creative, authentic and most of all, brave. Your merchandise is an extension of you so pay it the attention it deserves and make it irresistible for everyone else.


Kicks X Bricks.


The PUBG Skateboard.